The Company releases a material fact to inform that according to the Communication “A” 7106, it is analyzing the impact of said provision.
The company informs that according to the Communication “A” 7106 (, issued by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic which establishes, among other issues, that those who register scheduled capital maturities between 10.15.2020 and 03.31.2021 for issuance of publicly registered debt securities in the country, denominated in foreign currency from private sector clients or from the entities themselves, must submit to the Central Bank a detail of a refinancing plan based on the following criteria: (a) that the net amount for which the exchange market will be accessed in the original terms will not exceed 40% of the amount of capital maturing in the period indicated above, and (b) that the rest of the capital should be, as a minimum, refinanced with a new external debt with an average life of 2 years; the Company is analyzing the impact of said provision in order to comply in due time and form with the requirements of the Central Bank, if applicable.
Likewise, as has been duly reported, on November 15 of this year, the Class I Notes expires for a nominal value of USD 181,518,707 as well as other banking debt.